Hello there and welcome. You may be asking yourself a few questions at this point.
Who exactly are Wendell and Otis? What kind of misadventures do they have? What the heck is this blog about?
Fair enough. I supposed some answers are called for.
Wendell and Otis are two dogs based, sometimes loosely, sometimes not so loosely, on two dogs we adopted from our local shelter in December of 2009.
Wendell and Otis, who's names have been changes to protect their innocence, are chihuahua/miniature pincher mixes. We didn't realize this at the time we got them but this mix is usually refered to as a "chipin". I think "pinchi" sounds cuter but there you have it.
I'd never had small dogs before. I've also never had more than one dog at a time before. Getting two small dogs who are also littermates has provided me with countless hours of entertainment and frustration.
If you're an animal lover, I hope these stories provide some small amount of entertainment. If not, I'm just another crazy person making up stories about their animals. Surf away to the next website.
Quickly. What I have might be contagious.